Tuesday, October 25, 2011

J2ME: Step by step

This tutorial examines in detail the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) and targets the
intermediate developer who has a solid background in Java programming and the concepts
of object-oriented design and development.

Click here to download

You'll start off by examining the background of J2ME and exploring the J2ME configurations
and profiles. You'll then step through the process of setting up your development
environment for developing J2ME applications.
You'll be introduced to topics such as the K virtual machine (KVM) and KJava API used in
conjunction with the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) API, and the Mobile
Information Device Profile (MIDP), which uses CLDC. You will then build a simple application
that will allow you to see what you can do with J2ME. You'll use CLDC and KJava to develop
a basic drawing application and also a small MIDP application.

To work through this tutorial, you will need the following:
* The Java 2 SDK (formerly known as a JDK); J2SE 1.3 SDK is recommended. In
particular, you will use the following tools from the Java 2 SDK:
java *
jar *
javad*oc (optional)
* The Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) reference implementation
* The K virtual machine (KVM), which is included with the CLDC reference
* The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP)
* The Palm OS Emulator (POSE) , which you can use to test your KJava applications
before deploying to a "real" Palm OS device.
* A Palm handheld device

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