Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Introduction to Programming in Java

THE BASIS FOR EDUCATION IN THE last millennium was “reading, writing, and arithmetic;”
now it is reading, writing, and computing. Learning to program is an
essential part of the education of every student in the sciences and engineering.

J2ME: Step by step

This tutorial examines in detail the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) and targets the
intermediate developer who has a solid background in Java programming and the concepts
of object-oriented design and development.

Click here to download

What You Will Need For This Tutorial

There are several basic things that you will need in order to complete this tutorial:
A PowerMacintosh Computer with 64 megabytes of RAM (96 recommended)
running MacOS 8.1 or later (8.6 recommended) and 20 megabytes of free hard

Click here to downlaod